
Users can download the time series of variables relevant to renewable energy. These variables are wind speed and direction, air temperature, specific humidity, turbulent kinetic energy, downward solar radiation, surface pressure, and accumulated precipitation. The variables are available at the UTC time. While comparing the downloaded variables with observations that are usually available at local times, users need to take this time difference into account. Most of the variables are available at 10-min intervals except for the accumulated precipitation which is available at hourly intervals. Table 1 below gives a detailed summary on the available variables and their unit. For example, variable “UV80m” denotes wind speed at 80 m above model ground level.

Table 1 - List of variables available for download
Variables Unit
Wind Speed (e.g. UV80m, UV100m, UV120m) m/s
Wind Direction (e.g. WD80m, WD100m, WD120m) Degrees
Temperature (e.g. TT80m, TT100m, TT120m) Celsius
Specific humidity (HU100m) kg/kg
Turbulent Kinetic Energy (EN_100m) m2/s2
Downward solar radiation (FB) W/m2
Surface pressure (P0) hPa
Accumulated precipitation (PR) mm

The downloaded time series will be in CSV (comma-separated value) file format with multiple columns. An example of a downloaded file for a given grid point is shown in Table 2. The first column always presents date and time (12 digits in total) for format of year (4 digits), month (2 digits), day (2 digits), hour (2 digits), and minute (2 digits). Depending on the request of users, the 2nd column represent, for example, the wind speed (UV in m/s) at 80 m above ground level (agl), the 3rd one the wind direction (WD in degrees) at 80 m agl, the 4th one the air temperature (TT in Celsius) at 80 m agl, the 5th one the specific humidity (HU in kg/kg) at 100 meters agl, and the 6th one the surface pressure (P0 in hPa). If users choose to download other vertical levels for some variables, some extra-columns (e.g. columns 7 – 9) will be added.

Table 2 - Example of a downloaded data file for a given grid point
DateTime UV80m WD80m TT80m HU100m P0 UV100m WD100m ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
201003040050 12.8 218 -0.8 0.00295 1008.21 13.4 220 ...
201003040100 12.9 220 -0.8 0.00296 1008.19 13.5 221 ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

The precipitations being calculated hourly, they are available in a separate file. An example is given in Table 3.

Table 3 - Example of a downloaded file for the accumulated precipitation
DateTime PR
201003040100 0
201003040200 1

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